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Workplace Fire Prevention Tips

October is National Fire Safety Month, and there’s no better time to increase fire safety awareness in your workplace. Practice good workplace housekeeping. Clutter contributes to fires by providing fuel and by preventing access to exits and emergency equipment. Place oily rags in a covered metal container. This waste must…

Fire Safety Tips for the Office

An office fire can be devastating, resulting in the loss of life, jobs, property and information. It can lead to business interruption or even permanent closure. Offices are loaded with combustibles: carpeting, draperies, papers, books, wood and upholstered furniture, plastic laminate, vinyl-fabric-covered furniture, wood panelling, as well as electrically powered…

Winter Hazards and How to Avoid Them!

The winter season brings cold temperatures and often times severe weather conditions that create many hazards for individuals working in these conditions. Even if you work indoors, winter weather still poses many hazards for you such as driving into work in bad weather or walking through an icy parking lot to get to your…

Seasonal Flu Prevention Tips

There’s no doubt about it. Cold and Flu Season is a sure thing. And it’s coming whether you’re ready or not. Nothing will take away all the risk of getting a cold or flu. But there are many things you can do to greatly reduce your chances of getting sick.…

Seasonal Flu Prevention Tips

There’s no doubt about it. Cold and Flu Season is a sure thing. And it’s coming whether you’re ready or not. Nothing will take away all the risk of getting a cold or flu. But there are many things you can do to greatly reduce your chances of getting sick.…


Personal protective equipment (PPE) is equipment or clothing worn to minimize exposure to hazards in the workplace. PPE does not remove or reduce workplace hazards and does not replace effective engineering or administrative control methods such as substitution or ventilation. PPE is the last line of defense when the hazard cannot…

Pick Up Tips, The right way to lift objects!

Lifting, handling, or carrying objects at work can result in musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs), including sprains, strains and other injuries. The risk of injury increases when bending, twisting, heavy loads, and awkward postures are involved. Effective ergonomic controls can reduce the risk and prevent injuries.  Are you following safe lifting practices? The…

Pneumatic Tools

The dangers of pneumatic tools differ from those of electric-powered equipment. Protect yourself by reviewing the hazards and prevention methods below. HAZARDS Operating at the incorrect pressure or flow can cause excessive force, resulting in serious injury. Air hoses that are the wrong size for the tool or in poor…

Close Calls

A “close call”, near miss or accident without injury is easy to shrug off and forget. But, there is a danger in brushing off accidents that don’t hurt, harm or damage. When a “close call” happens, it should immediately send a red warning flag that something was wrong, unplanned, unexpected,…


We’ve all experienced it at some point when working or playing hard – fatigue sets in, your mouth feels dry and your legs are heavy and maybe you even get a headache. These are all common signs of dehydration. When you are working hard, body fluid is lost through sweat.…